A quote from Chris Williams (2008), taken from the Good practice guidance on the use of self-help materials within Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services.
- Set aside a time and place to work on your project everyday.
- Don’t drink alcohol or nibble while working on your plan. Tea, coffee or juice are OK though.
- Get energised before sitting down to work. Anything that uses your muscles for a couple of minutes is OK.
- Go through it over and over till you know it by heart. Write notes and comments. Think about what it’s saying.
- Make a plan and write it down, step by step. Be sure to make them small, simple steps that you will be able to do.
- Think about eating an elephant. You can do it if you take lots of little mouthfuls.
- You WILL get stuck from time to time, so work out what to do about it in advance.
- Your plan is like a new year resolution so don’t let it fade away. Check your progress every week.
- Get a lot of help. The more people know about your plan, the more help you’ll get and the more likely you are to succeed.
- Write yourself a letter from 10 years in the future – “Thanks for being strong all those years ago”.
- Pepper your fridge with post-its. Write I CAN DO IT on the mirror.
- Imagine you are your own best friend and give yourself some good advice.
- Think like an athlete and get coaching and support from anywhere and everywhere you can.
- Plan your support sessions in advance – know what you want to say or write to a friend, a group, a counsellor or a doctor. 15.Write an agenda and use it in support sessions.