Category Archives: iPhone Apps

Triple Column – CBT Thought Diary iPhone App Review

This is a very simple app that lets you create a list of unhelpful “automatic thoughts” that you might have. You can add an entry to the thought diary, type in the thought, label the cognitive distortion, and then input a rational response. You can then only really edit the entry, delete it, or view […]

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Moodkit Mood Improvement Tools iPhone app review

This app has some smart graphics and has a lot of good written content. The authors have also included a lot of background information about the contents, and the Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) approach of this app. Each of the four main tools has a comprehensive outline, with perhaps overly detailed instructions for how to […]

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CBTReferee iPhone App Review

CBTReferee is an iPhone app that helps the user to record unhelpful thoughts, following a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) approach. This tool focuses on the thought diary element of the thought challenging exercise which is a common strategy in CBT interventions. I read some of the CBTReferee website before purchasing this app and I really […]

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CBT Apps for iPhone

As part of a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) approach, it is quite usual for a therapist to suggest homework exercises for a client to undertake between sessions. In order to support some of these you can get smart phone app – to remind you, make it more fun or interesting, and to make sure that […]

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Stress Tips iPhone App Review

Anxiety UK recently released a free iPhone app called ‘Stress Tips‘ (sponsored by Pfizer life). It’s a simple app with some good advice delivered through short audio messages which you can listen to by pressing the prominent on-screen ‘panic button’. The app has an occasional ‘donate now’ pop-up, and a helpful list of organisations to call […]

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