Fear of Flying

I studied methods of delivering treatment for fear of flying (aero phobia) as part of my Masters dissertation. Specifically I was looking at the use of virtual reality technology . Encouraging a person to become increasingly familiar with a situation or experience which has caused them anxiety, fear or concern in the past, can help to alleviate that anxiety. This process is called exposure therapy (part of a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) approach), and in the case of an anxious flier experiencing a fear of flying, it can be difficult or inconvenient to access suitable scenarios, potentially including access to an aircraft and regular flights.

Fear of flying can be a complex issue, and it may be quite different depending on the person. A person may experience anxiety about the airport environment, particularly security or the boarding process, or there may be fear relating to the take-off, flight or landing phase of the journey. The actual flight itself may feel more manageable if the person comes to understand more about the ‘science of flight’, the detailed procedures involved in commercial flights, and the features of modern planes. However, there is little substitute for an anxious flier to actually become more confident sitting in the terminal, sitting on the plane, and experiencing a flight, despite the anxiety.

Would you like to become a more confident flier? Would you like to overcome a fear of flying?

Some of the big airlines in the UK offer courses, for example Virgin Atlantic’s ‘Flying without Fear’ course, or British Airways Fear of Flying course. You may have to wait until the next local course starts. If you would like a more individually tailored approach to address a fear of flying, without having to wait for a group to start, why not get in touch?

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